I have always been a very vivid dreamer. And I remember them. I could tell you dreams from middle school that have stuck with me. And some that have been recurring dreams. If I was a part of a native american tribe, I would be their dreamwalker. I have never really put much stock in dream interpretation or anything of the sort, but I do feel that sometimes dreams can be our minds' way of trying to work out events or situations. Or a reflection of anxiety or situations that are weighing heavily on a persons' mind.
Normally before any triathlon, I will have triathlon related dreams. Maybe forgetting something in transition or being late. You know, the typical "I am worried about this situation" kind of dream. And it doesn't really even matter which triathlon. I have done the Columbia triathlon for three years and every year before it I would have some kind of dream about the race. I had dreams about the Bay swim (some involved sharks-not cool mind, not cool). And I had dreams before my marathon and before my half ironman. So having dreams, very vivid ones which I remember, is not foreign to me.
So I was expecting a lot of dreams this week. And last week. All about Ironman or triathlon and dealing with the anxious and excitement I have been feeling towards this race. Maybe some about the fears I have with it. Or the worries of not completing a portion in the time I want. I had one dream maybe a month ago of not going at all. I went to play tennis instead.
To my surprise, there has been none. Outside of the one dream I had a few weeks ago, there has been no new dreams about ironman. Nothing. Nada. And this has surprised me quite a bit.
Now I realize I still have three more nights where possible dreams about the race may happen, but usually I would have been dreaming by now. I am going to take this strange lack of anxious dreams as a good sign. Maybe it is my minds way of telling me to calm down. That the endurance is there and that I have done all that I can to prepare for this event. (which I have-I can't do anything now about what type of shape my body is in). And maybe it is also related to the fact that I know, deep down, no matter what happens-I will just keep going.
It doesn't matter if my swim or bike or run doesn't go the way I plan-I will just keep going. And I am going to draw confidence from my lack of dreams as my minds way of saying that I am as ready as I will ever be for what I am going to ask my body to do on saturday.
If I do have anything interesting come up in dreams, I will be sure to let you all know ;-)
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