Tuesday, May 27, 2014

On the swimming Bench

Well, courtesy of this annoying cut:
I am currently on the swimming bench until it heals. The problem is, had I not been swimming on it the last week, it may be further along in the healing process then where it currently is. But, being the idiot that I am at times, I just kept swimming. (Say that and don't think about Dorry from finding nemo-you can't, can you?) So in order to prevent further delay of this healing process, I am going to just keep myself out of the pool. Which is tough. I like swimming. I also am going to try my best not to worry about losing fitness or endurance. I completed an 8,000 yard swim last week and felt good. My fitness is there and I have to remind myself to trust my training for this Bay. Plus, if the cut doesn't heal, then I will not be in the Bay at all because the last thing I need is a bacteria infection for swimming 2+ hours in the awful bay.

So I guess I will just do some more strength training and use the tubing exercises (thank you Sheila for those.

Overall, the last weekend went well. I rounded out the end of my training week with a light swim in the morning on sunday in the wetsuit. I always forget how incredible easy it is to swim in my wetsuit. I forget and then start to worry that I will somehow not be able to swim as well, but as soon as I jump into the water with the wetsuit and get going. Well, it's like nothing else. I love open water swimming-can't wait for this race and to look up and be seeing the bay bridge above me. I think about it now and it just seems like it will be amazing. As soon as it is 10 days away, I will be stalking that forecast like no other. Keep your fingers crossed for good weather and a nice current.

My run on sunday was a whole different matter. I could not get going. I had some GI issues in the morning (thank you sensitive system) which left me feeling not 100%. So when I went out to run (much later in the day than anticipated), I just could not get going and what was supposed to be a 7 mile run turned into a 3.5. I told myself it didn't matter and that it was better than nothing so hopefully I can redeem myself this week for such a crappy run. This upcoming week I hope to really get on board with the schedule now that my tuesday night evening class is over. Tonight I hope to beat out the impending thunder storms with going down to Hains Point in DC for some bike laps. Apparently it is a fairly popular location-we will see what it has in store.

Hopeful training hours this week: 10-13

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Is this bay swim over yet?

Today is, as I like to think of it, phase 3 in my weekend workouts. 

Friday I started with my usual long swim.  8,000 yards in the pool, back and forth, back and forth....it makes me wonder what the life guards think when I show up and then leave two and a half hours later.  But alas, I finished the swim and felt strangely good.  You know that you are swimming too much when a 4,000 feels like warm up and 6,000 still feels pretty good. I am ready for this bay swim to be over. Soon. 

Saturday turned out to be a super nice bike through the farm roads of davidsonville md.  A route I though would be flat turned out to be more hills than flat road.  There were some nice rollers and some challenging ones that took me out of the saddle.   In the end, I finished the near 50 mile (48.6) bike with energy to spare and not wanting to quit biking all together.  I think this has something to do with my new steed, a blue triad ex TT bike.  I am in love with it. 

The rest of my workout today includes a 3-4,000 yd swim with the wetsuit followed by a 6-7 mile run.  Last week I felt pretty decent with the run...we will see how today goes. 
Not sure how many days until ironman....should figure that out.